Neural-network based simulation of rare event processes at the water/oxide interface

Subproject P12

Atomistic computer simulations of processes occurring at the water/oxide interface are challenging in several ways. The calculation of atomic forces based on ab initio methods is computationally very demanding, and barrier crossing events may lead to long computation times. Both these aspects severely limit accessible system sizes and simulation times.

In project P12, we will address these challenges using a combination of machine learning and advanced rare event sampling methods. In particular, using software developed in our group and collaborating with P03 Kresse, we will train neural network potentials based on the Behler-Parrinello approach for oxide/water interfaces, starting with the Fe3O4/water system studied in P11 Backus. We will pay special attention to error estimation and the correct treatment of long-range interactions. With the new potential, we will study the structure and dynamics of water near the oxide surface to provide the atomistic information necessary to rationalize the spectroscopy experiments of P11 Backus. Another important goal of P12 is to explore how deep generative models can be used to enhance rare event simulations. For this purpose, we will apply normalizing flows, represented by deep neural networks, to trajectory space. The resulting improved transition path sampling simulations will be used to study reactive processes investigated experimentally in other subprojects of TACO.

Christoph Dellago


Our research efforts focus on the development of simulation algorithms and their application to investigate dynamical processes in condensed matter systems based on the principles of equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. In particular, we have helped to create the transition path sampling methodology for the simulation of rare but important events, such as nucleation aprocesses, chemical reactions and biomolecular reorganizations. More recently, we have worked on applying machine learning methods to molecular structure recognition and the representation of potential and free energy surfaces.

Recent research topics include:

  • Self-assembly of nanocrystals
  • Folding and unfolding of biopolymers
  • Interfaces in aqueous systems
  • Phase separation in alloys
  • Thermo-polarisation
  • Structure and dynamics of water and ice
  • Cavitation
  • Crystallization
  • Non-equilibrium work fluctuations


Christoph Dellago

Pablo Montero de Hijes

Alexander Gorfer
PhD Student

Salvatore Romano
PhD Student


Alessandro Coretti

Andreas Tröster

Sebastian Falkner
PhD Student


19 entries « 1 of 2 »


Structure of the water/magnetite interface from sum frequency generation experiments and neural network based molecular dynamics simulations

Romano, Salvatore; Kaur, Harsharan; Zelenka, Moritz; Hijes, Pablo Montero De; Eder, Moritz; Parkinson, Gareth S.; Backus, Ellen H. G.; Dellago, Christoph

Structure of the water/magnetite interface from sum frequency generation experiments and neural network based molecular dynamics simulations

Journal ArticleOpen AccessSubmittedarXiv

In: arXiv, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P04, P11, P12

Density isobar of water and melting temperature of ice: Assessing common density functionals

de Hijes, Pablo Montero; Dellago, Christoph; Jinnouchi, Ryosuke; Kresse, Georg

Density isobar of water and melting temperature of ice: Assessing common density functionals

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 161, pp. 131102, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P03, P12

Structure and dynamics of the magnetite(001)/water interface from molecular dynamics simulations based on a neural network potential

Romano, Salvatore; de Hijes, Pablo Montero; Meier, Matthias; Kresse, Georg; Franchini, Cesare; Dellago, Christoph

Structure and dynamics of the magnetite(001)/water interface from molecular dynamics simulations based on a neural network potential

Journal ArticleOpen AccessarXiv

In: arXiv, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P03, P07, P12

Revisiting Shooting Point Monte Carlo Methods for Transition Path Sampling

Falkner, Sebastian; Coretti, Alessandro; Peters, Baron; Bolhuis, Peter G.; Dellago, Christoph

Revisiting Shooting Point Monte Carlo Methods for Transition Path Sampling

Journal ArticlearXiv

In: arXiv, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P12

Thermodynamics of alkali feldspar solid solutions with varying Al-Si order: atomistic simulations using a neural network potential

Gorfer, Alexander; Heuser, David; Abart, Rainer; Dellago, Christoph

Thermodynamics of alkali feldspar solid solutions with varying Al-Si order: atomistic simulations using a neural network potential

Journal ArticleSubmittedarXiv

In: arXiv, 2024, (American Mineralogist, submitted).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P12

Structure and thermodynamics of defects in Na-feldspar from a neural network potential

Gorfer, Alexander; Abart, Rainer; Dellago, Christoph

Structure and thermodynamics of defects in Na-feldspar from a neural network potential

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: Physical Review Materials, vol. 8, pp. 073602, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P12

Mechanism and kinetics of sodium diffusion in Na-feldspar from neural network based atomistic simulations

Gorfer, Alexander; Abart, Rainer; Dellago, Christoph

Mechanism and kinetics of sodium diffusion in Na-feldspar from neural network based atomistic simulations

Journal ArticleSubmittedarXiv

In: arXiv, 2024, (Acta Materialia, submitted).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P12

Unsupervised identification of local atomic environment from atomistic potential descriptors

Kývala, Lukáš; Hijes, Pablo Montero De; Dellago, Christoph

Unsupervised identification of local atomic environment from atomistic potential descriptors

Journal ArticleSubmittedarXiv

In: arXiv, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P12

Perspective: Atomistic Simulations of Water and Aqueous Systems with Machine Learning Potentials

Omranpour, Amir; de Hijes, Pablo Montero; Behler, Jörg; Dellago, Christoph

Perspective: Atomistic Simulations of Water and Aqueous Systems with Machine Learning Potentials

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 160, pp. 170901, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P12

Boltzmann Generators and the New Frontier of Computational Sampling in Many-Body Systems

Coretti, Alessandro; Falkner, Sebastian; Weinreich, Jan; Dellago, Christoph; von Lilienfeld, Anatole

Boltzmann Generators and the New Frontier of Computational Sampling in Many-Body Systems

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: KIM Review, vol. 2, pp. 3, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P12

19 entries « 1 of 2 »