1st Workshop – Kickoff Meeting

The first TACO workshop (the “Kickoff Meeting”) was held from September 27th to 28th in Vienna (at the TU Campus “Gußhaus”).


A PDF of the program can be downloaded here.

Contributed Posters

Viktor Birschitzky
Polaron Configurational Space via Supervised Learning

Michael Brunthaler
Surface structures of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3(110) and La0.8Sr0.2MnO3(001)

Florian Dörr
Vienna Package for TensErLEED II: A Versatile Setup for Acquisition of LEED I(V) Data

Sebastian Falkner
Deep Learning for Rare Event Sampling

Alexander Genest
Modelling Reactivity on Metals and Mixed Oxides

Thomas Haunold
LiOx-Modification of Co3O4(111) Thin Films and Kinetic Studies of Ag Nanoparticles on HOPG

Florian Kraushofer
Vienna Package for TensErLEED: A new environment for analysis and calculation of LEED I(V) data

Markus Latschka Kinetic studies of selective ethanol oxidation on bimetallic Au catalysts

Michael Pittenauer
First insights on the structure and reactivity of ferrite nanoparticles

Thomas Ruh
DFT Investigation of the Effect of Doping on CaMnO3

Paul Ryan
Surface tension measurement of pure water in vacuum

Bernhard Schmiedmayer
Deep Learning for Rare Event Sampling

Yuri Suchorski
Surface Structure Libraries in Hydrogen Oxidation on Rh: Metallic Surface versus Surface Oxide

Andreas Tröster
Structural Analysis of hard antiphase Domain Wall Profiles in SrTiO3 obtained from DFT+ML

Moritz Zelenka
Influence of Flow on the MgO-Water Interface
