Sabine Andergassen
Institute of Information Systems Engineering &
Institute of Solid State Physics
TU Wien
Monday, 08 May 2023, 17:15 s.t.
The talk will be given in hybrid mode.
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Machine learning dynamics of quantum systems
Quantum effects typically only manifest in systems that are well-isolated from the outside world, and this poses a major obstacle. To faithfully capture and harness quantum effects, knowledge of the quantum state of the system and its environment is required. We apply machine-learning methods to understand the quantum dynamics in physical models and show that it can be learned even in the presence of strong coupling between the system and the environment. In particular, the knowledge acquired during a short evolution interval makes it possible to extrapolate the dynamics to previously unseen times. This may constitute a route for analyzing long-time behavior in situations where this is not accessible by numerical simulations or experiments. In regimes where the dynamics cannot be described by such an approach, neural networks can nevertheless be utilized to quantify and characterize the system-environment coupling, which can feed into the development of numerical models and simulation algorithms.
Bio of Sabine Andergassen
Sabine Andergassen received her Ph.D. in 2006 from the University of Stuttgart under the guidance of Prof. W. Metzner. Her thesis dealt with the Functional renormalization-group analysis for Luttinger liquids with impurities. She then moved to a postdoc position in the group of Profs. D. Feinberg and P. Simon at CNRS Grenoble in France. In 2008, Sabine Andergassen became an Assistant Professor at RWTH Aachen University, and in 2012 an Assistant Professor with tenure track at the University of Vienna. From 2014 on, she was a full professor for quantum many-body theory at the University of Tübingen. Since April 2023, Sabine Andergassen is an Associate Professor at TU Wien at the Institute of Information Systems Engineering and Solid State Physics.