Carla Verdi, formerly co-PI of project P03, took the next step in her scientific career and started a fellowship at the University of Sydney at the beginning of this new year. In her project (funded by the Australian government under the DECRA program) she “aims to address the issue of designing and engineering better single-photon sources based on atomic defects in solids, a crucial building block for many quantum technologies. Using advanced first-principles quantum mechanical theories and calculations, the project expects to produce fundamental knowledge of key mechanisms and properties, and to use this to inform the design of new atomic defects for tailored applications as quantum emitters. The expected outcomes, including novel methodologies, will contribute to different research areas, from condensed matter and materials physics to quantum science and technology. This project should provide significant benefits in accelerating quantum technology innovation (…).“
Even though we are sad to see her go, we wish her all the best and much success on the next leg of her scientific journey!