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Student Representatives of 2023 Elected

Carolin Faller (University of Vienna) and Alexander Imre (TU Wien) have been elected student representatives for 2023.

Andreas Grüneis Receives ERC Consolidator Grant

Friend of TACO, Andreas Grüneis was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant.

Carla Verdi Starts Fellowship at University of Sydney

Carla Verdi (formerly co-PI of P03) started a fellowship at the University of Sydney.

Philipp Winkler finishes PhD

Philipp Winkler (associated member of P08) finished his PhD.

Doctoral School with TACO Participation Receives FWF Funding

The doctoral school TU-D, in which TACO's Georg Madsen is a PI, will be extended with FWF funding.

Gareth Parkinson now officiall Fellow of the AVS

Gareth Parkinson (PI of P04) received his official AVS Fellowship certificat in Pittsburgh, PA, US.