Upcoming Talks
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- 14. January 2025A seminar talk given by Patrick Lömker from the Department of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden.
- 13. January 2025The 28th TACO Colloquim given by Sereina Riniker from the ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Past Talks
- 16. December 2024The 27th TACO Colloquim given by Kubička David from the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czechia.
- 4. November 2024The 26th TACO Colloquim given by Xavier Gonze from UC Louvain, Belgium.
- 13. May 2024The 25th TACO Colloquim given by Daniel Boese from the University of Graz.
- 15. April 2024The 24th TACO Colloquim given by Mariana Rossi from the Center of Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), MPI Hamburg, Germany.
- 4. March 2024The 23rd TACO Colloquim given by Julia Stähler from the Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany.
- 22. January 2024The 22nd TACO Colloquim given by Edvin Lundgren from the Synchrotron Radiation Research, Lund University, Sweden.
- 22. January 2024A seminar talk given by Yingge Du from the Physical Science Division of the PNNL, USA.
- 19. January 2024A seminar talk given by Andreas Erbe from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.
- 12. December 2023A seminar talk given by Stefan Wendt from the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University, Denmark.
- 4. December 2023The 21st TACO Colloquim given by Laerte Patera from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
- 20. November 2023The 20th TACO Colloquim given by Gianfranco Pacchioni from the Department of Materials Science, University of Milano, Italy.
- 31. October 2023A seminar talk given by Maurizio De Santis from the Institut Néel, CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes, France.
- 24. October 2023A seminar talk given by Ulrich Aschauer from the Department of Chemistry and Physics of Materials, University of Salzburg.
- 23. October 2023The 19th TACO Colloquim given by Mira Todorova from the Max Planck Institute für Eisenforschung (MPIE), Düsseldorf, Germany.
- 10. October 2023A seminar talk given by Zdenek Jakub from the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), Brno, Czechia.
- 26. June 2023The 18th TACO Colloquim given by Angelika Kühnle from the University Bühlefeld, Germany
- 19. June 2023The 17th TACO Colloquim given by Thomas Pock from TU Graz.
- 13. June 2023A seminar talk given by Roland Netz from the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany).
- 30. May 2023A seminar talk given by Christoph Wolf from the Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Seoul (Korea).
- 8. May 2023The 16th TACO Colloquim given by Sabine Andergassen from the TU Wien.
- 26. April 2023A seminar talk given by Christophe Copéret from the ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
- 25. April 2023A seminar talk given by Marco Favro from the Helmholtz Zentrum Berllin (HZB), Germany.
- 17. April 2023The 15th TACO Colloquim given by Kristian Sommer Thygesen from Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- 30. March 2023A seminar talk given by Marco Corrias (from project P07), University Vienna
- 30. March 2023A seminar talk given by Kristian Berland from the Norwegian University of Life Science.
- 20. March 2023The 14th TACO Colloquim given by Michail Stamatakis from University College London, UK
- 25. January 2023A seminar talk given by David Duncan from the Diamond Light Source, UK.
- 23. January 2023The 13th TACO Colloquim given by Hendrik Bluhm from the Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany
- 13. December 2022A seminar talk given by Dominik Wrana from Charles University of Prague, Czechia.
- 12. December 2022The twelth TACO Colloquim given by Alessandro Fortunelli from the CNR Pisa, Italy
- 30. November 2022A seminar talk given by Christopher Goodwin from the Department of Physics of Stockholm University, Sweden.
- 29. November 2022A seminar talk given by Ralf Wanzenböck (of sub project P09) from the Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Wien.
- 28. November 2022The eleventh TACO Colloquim given by Núria López from the Institut Català d'Investigació Química, Tarragona, Spain
- 14. November 2022The tenth TACO Colloquim given by Marialore Sulpizie from the Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
- 8. November 2022A seminar talk given by Johannes Lützenkirchen from the Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
- 7. November 2022The ninth TACO Colloquim given by Ferdi Schüth from the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Germany
- 18. October 2022A seminar talk given by Oliver Hofmann from the Institute of Solid State Physics, TU Graz.
- 17. October 2022The eighth TACO Colloquim given by Patrick Rinke from Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
- 11. October 2022A seminar talk given by Aleksandar Matkovic from the Institute of Physics, Montanuniversity of Leoben.
- 23. September 2022A joint TheoChem/TACO talk will be given by Xavier Rocquefelte from the University of Rennes, France
- 13. September 2022A seminar talk given by Christian Reece, Rowland Fellow at the Rowland Institute at Harvard, Boston, MA, US
- 29. August 2022A seminar talk given by Samuel B. Trickey of the University of Florida, United States
- 6. July 2022A seminar talk given by Irene Groot of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands
- 28. June 2022A seminar talk given by Erik Rheinfrank from the Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien
- 28. June 2022A seminar talk given by Lena Haager from the Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien
- 14. June 2022A seminar talk given by Christopher James Heard from the Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Charles University Prague, Czechia
- 10. June 2022A joint TheoChem/TACO talk will be given by Mads-Peter Christiansen from Aarhus University, Denmark
- 30. May 2022TACO PI Ellen Backus (P11) will give her inaugural lecture as Professor of Physical Chemistry
- 24. May 2022A seminar talk given by Moritz Eder from the Institute of applied Physics, TU Wien, and member of P04
- 23. May 2022The seventh TACO Colloquim given by Anna Regoutz from University College London, UK
- 2. May 2022The sixth TACO Colloquim given by Christof Wöll from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- 28. April 2022A seminar talk given by Luigi Ranalli, University Vienna
- 25. April 2022The fifth TACO Colloquim given by Mie Andersen from Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies and Center of Interstellar Catalysis, Aarhus University, Denmark
- 24. March 2022A seminar talk given by Hermann Schnait, TU Graz
- 22. March 2022A seminar talk given by Erin V. Iski from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Tulsa, OK, US
- 21. March 2022The fourth TACO Colloquim given by Martin Muhler from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
- 8. March 2022A seminar talk given by Peter Matvija from the Department of Surface and Plasma Science, Charles University Prague, Czechia
- 24. January 2022The third TACO Colloquim given by Kieron Burke from UC Irvine, CA, US
- 12. January 2022A seminar talk given by Markus Latschka from the Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Wien
- 12. January 2022A seminar talk given by Gernot Pacholik from the Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Wien
- 20. December 2021The second TACO Colloquim given by Anatoly I. Frenkel from Stony Brook University, NY, US
- 22. November 2021The first TACO Colloquim given by Bingqing Cheng from IST Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria.
- 17. November 2021A seminar talk given by Alexander Genest from the Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Wien
- 17. November 2021A seminar talk given by Qasair Maqbool from the Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Wien
- 27. October 2021A seminar talk given by Jesús Redondo, Charles University of Prague (Czech Republic)
- 15. October 2021A seminar talk given by Chiara Gattinoni, London South Bank University (UK)
- 12. October 2021A seminar talk given by Simone Pokrant, Functional Materials, Chemistry and Physics of Materials, Paris-Lodron Universität Salzburg
- 6. July 2021A seminar talk given by Igor Sokolović, Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien
- 23. March 2021A seminar talk given by Jan Kuneš, Institut für Festlkörperphysik, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria