Frieder Mugele
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Monday, 31st March 2025, 17:00 s.t.
The talk will be given in hybrid mode.
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Seminar Room DA 02 B
TU Freihaus, Green Area, 2nd floor
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8, 1040 Vienna
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Meeting ID: 927 3941 7554 Passcode: X74b82XE
Monday, 11th November 2024, 17:00 s.t.
The talk will be given in hybrid mode.
You can join at:
Freihaus Hörsaal 7 (HS 7)
TU Freihaus, Yellow Area, 2nd floor
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8, 1040 Vienna
Or you can join the zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 927 3941 7554 Passcode: X74b82XE

From Interfaces to Interphases: Revealing Complexities of Multi-Component Systems by In-Situ Force and Optical Microscopies
The classical textbook perspective of surface science considers changes that arise when an ideal bulk crystal is truncated at some specific plane. Practically relevant interfaces in batteries, electro-, photo- and conventional catalysis, and any realistic chemical conversion, however, are exposed to very complex environments involving typically fluids of multiple components and – often rather strong – external stimuli such as electrical currents, illumination, temperature and concentration gradients. This results in the formation of interfacial boundary layers controlling the performance of the system that can deviate substantially in their chemical composition, transport properties, charge distribution, etc. from the underlying bulk materials.
In this lecture, I will discuss examples of photo- and electrocatalytically active nano-particles as well as mineral surfaces that play a role in geological and potentially future industrial CO2 mitigation and mineral carbonation processes. Specifically, I will discuss our AFM-based methods to characterize solid-liquid interfaces from high-resolution imaging at the atomic scale to colloidal scale local charge measurements. In the first application, these techniques will be applied to characterize the local charge distribution and optical response of photocatalytically active faceted nanoparticles of SrTiO3 and BiVO4 in ambient electrolytes of variable composition (salt, pH). Subsequently, I will discuss the stability and dissolution of olivine and calcite in aqueous salt solutions and the role of additives and soft interfacial layers in controlling surface reactivity.
Bio of Frieder Mugele
Prof. Mugele studied physics and obtained his PhD at the University of Konstanz (Germany). After research stays as a Humboldt Fellow at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley (1998–1999) and a habilitation at the University of Ulm (Germany; 1999–2004), he became Professor of Physics of Complex Fluids at the University of Twente (The Netherlands) in 2004. With his team, he studies physical and chemical aspects of fluids at interfaces from molecular to macroscopic scales, bridging between fundamental science and applications. His long-standing primary interest in wetting phenomena and electrowetting has shifted in recent years towards molecular scale characterizations of solid-liquid interfaces using in situ scanning probe and confocal optical microscopies and spectroscopies with applications e.g. in the areas of (photo/electro-)catalysis and CO2 mitigation.