
108 entries « 3 of 11 »


Bimetallic CuPd nanoparticles supported on ZnO or graphene for CO2 and CO conversion to methane and methanol

Maqbool, Qaisar; Dobrezberger, Klaus; Stropp, Julian; Huber, Martin; Kontrus, Karl-Leopold; Aspalter, Anna; Neuhauser, Julie; Schachinger, Thomas; Löffler, Stefan; Rupprechter, Günther

Bimetallic CuPd nanoparticles supported on ZnO or graphene for CO2 and CO conversion to methane and methanol

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: RSC Sustainability, vol. 2, iss. 11, pp. 3276–3288, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P08

Derivative learning of tensorial quantities—Predicting finite temperature infrared spectra from first principles

Schmiedmayer, Bernhard; Kresse, Georg

Derivative learning of tensorial quantities—Predicting finite temperature infrared spectra from first principles

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 161, iss. 8, pp. 084703, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P03

Evidence of Molecular Hydrogen in the N-doped LuH3 System: a Possible Path to Superconductivity?

Tresca, Cesare; Forcella, Pietro Maria; Angeletti, Andrea; Ranalli, Luigi; Franchini, Cesare; Reticcioli, Michele; Profeta, Gianni

Evidence of Molecular Hydrogen in the N-doped LuH3 System: a Possible Path to Superconductivity?

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: Nature Communications, vol. 15, pp. 7283, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P07

Structure and dynamics of the magnetite(001)/water interface from molecular dynamics simulations based on a neural network potential

Romano, Salvatore; de Hijes, Pablo Montero; Meier, Matthias; Kresse, Georg; Franchini, Cesare; Dellago, Christoph

Structure and dynamics of the magnetite(001)/water interface from molecular dynamics simulations based on a neural network potential

Journal ArticleOpen AccessarXiv

In: arXiv, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P03, P07, P12

How to cleave cubic perovskite oxides

Sokolović, Igor; Schmid, Michael; Diebold, Ulrike; Setvín, Martin

How to cleave cubic perovskite oxides

Journal ArticleOpen AccessSubmittedarXiv

In: arXiv, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P02

Spatially resolved uncertainties for machine learning potentials

Heid, Esther; Schörghuber, Johannes; Wanzenböck, Ralf; Madsen, Georg K. H.

Spatially resolved uncertainties for machine learning potentials

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, vol. 64, iss. 16, pp. 6377–6387, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P09

Revisiting Shooting Point Monte Carlo Methods for Transition Path Sampling

Falkner, Sebastian; Coretti, Alessandro; Peters, Baron; Bolhuis, Peter G.; Dellago, Christoph

Revisiting Shooting Point Monte Carlo Methods for Transition Path Sampling

Journal ArticlearXiv

In: arXiv, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P12

Thermodynamics of alkali feldspar solid solutions with varying Al-Si order: atomistic simulations using a neural network potential

Gorfer, Alexander; Heuser, David; Abart, Rainer; Dellago, Christoph

Thermodynamics of alkali feldspar solid solutions with varying Al-Si order: atomistic simulations using a neural network potential

Journal ArticleSubmittedarXiv

In: arXiv, 2024, (American Mineralogist, submitted).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P12

Structure and thermodynamics of defects in Na-feldspar from a neural network potential

Gorfer, Alexander; Abart, Rainer; Dellago, Christoph

Structure and thermodynamics of defects in Na-feldspar from a neural network potential

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: Physical Review Materials, vol. 8, pp. 073602, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P12

Global sampling of Feynman's diagrams through normalizing flow

Leoni, Luca; Franchini, Cesare

Global sampling of Feynman's diagrams through normalizing flow

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: Physical Review Research, vol. 6, iss. 3, pp. 033041, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P07

108 entries « 3 of 11 »