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23 entries « 1 of 3 »


Real-space investigation of polarons in hematite Fe2O3

Redondo, Jesus; Reticcioli, Michele; Gabriel, Vit; Wrana, Dominik; Ellinger, Florian; Riva, Michele; Franceschi, Giada; Rheinfrank, Erik; Sokolovic, Igor; Jakub, Zdenek; Kraushofer, Florian; Alexander, Aji; Patera, Laerte L.; Repp, Jascha; Schmid, Michael; Diebold, Ulrike; Parkinson, Gareth S.; Franchini, Cesare; Kocan, Pavel; Setvin, Martin

Real-space investigation of polarons in hematite Fe2O3

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: Science Advances, vol. 10, iss. 44, pp. eadp7833, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P02, P04, P07

Quantitative Measurement of Cooperative Binding in Partially Dissociated Water Dimers at the Hematite “R-Cut” Surface

Ryan, Paul T. P.; Sombut, Panukorn; Rafsanjani-Abbasi, Ali; Wang, Chunlei; Eratam, Fulden; Goto, Francesco; Diebold, Ulrike; Meier, Matthias; Duncan, David A.; Parkinson, Gareth S.

Quantitative Measurement of Cooperative Binding in Partially Dissociated Water Dimers at the Hematite “R-Cut” Surface

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 128, iss. 40, pp. 16977–16985, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P02, P04, P07

Machine Learning Small Polaron Dynamics

Birschitzky, Viktor C.; Leoni, Luca; Reticcioli, Michele; Franchini, Cesare

Machine Learning Small Polaron Dynamics

Journal ArticleOpen AccessSubmittedarXiv

In: arXiv, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P07

Digging Its Own Site: Linear Coordination Stabilizes a Pt1/Fe2O3 Single-Atom Catalyst

Rafsanjani-Abbasi, Ali; Buchner, Florian; Lewis, Faith J.; Puntscher, Lena; Kraushofer, Florian; Sombut, Panukorn; Eder, Moritz; Pavelec, Jiří; Rheinfrank, Erik; Franceschi, Giada; Birschitzky, Viktor; Riva, Michele; Franchini, Cesare; Schmid, Michael; Diebold, Ulrike; Meier, Matthias; Madsen, Georg K. H.; Parkinson, Gareth S.

Digging Its Own Site: Linear Coordination Stabilizes a Pt1/Fe2O3 Single-Atom Catalyst

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: ACS Nano, vol. 18, iss. 39, pp. 26920–26927, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P02, P04, P07, P09

A Multitechnique Study of C2H4 Adsorption on a Model Single-Atom Rh1 Catalyst

Wang, Chunlei; Sombut, Panukorn; Puntscher, Lena; Ulreich, Manuel; Pavelec, Jiri; Rath, David; Balajka, Jan; Meier, Matthias; Schmid, Michael; Diebold, Ulrike; Franchini, Cesare; Parkinson, Gareth S.

A Multitechnique Study of C2H4 Adsorption on a Model Single-Atom Rh1 Catalyst

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 128, iss. 37, pp. 15404–15411, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P02, P04, P07

Evidence of Molecular Hydrogen in the N-doped LuH3 System: a Possible Path to Superconductivity?

Tresca, Cesare; Forcella, Pietro Maria; Angeletti, Andrea; Ranalli, Luigi; Franchini, Cesare; Reticcioli, Michele; Profeta, Gianni

Evidence of Molecular Hydrogen in the N-doped LuH3 System: a Possible Path to Superconductivity?

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: Nature Communications, vol. 15, pp. 7283, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P07

Structure and dynamics of the magnetite(001)/water interface from molecular dynamics simulations based on a neural network potential

Romano, Salvatore; de Hijes, Pablo Montero; Meier, Matthias; Kresse, Georg; Franchini, Cesare; Dellago, Christoph

Structure and dynamics of the magnetite(001)/water interface from molecular dynamics simulations based on a neural network potential

Journal ArticleOpen AccessarXiv

In: arXiv, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P03, P07, P12

Global sampling of Feynman's diagrams through normalizing flow

Leoni, Luca; Franchini, Cesare

Global sampling of Feynman's diagrams through normalizing flow

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: Physical Review Research, vol. 6, iss. 3, pp. 033041, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P07

Machine learning-based prediction of polaron-vacancy patterns on the TiO2(110) surface

Birschitzky, Viktor; Sokolovic, Igor; Prezzi, Michael; Palotas, Krisztian; Setvin, Martin; Diebold, Ulrike; Reticcioli, Michele; Franchini, Cesare

Machine learning-based prediction of polaron-vacancy patterns on the TiO2(110) surface

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: npj Computational Materials, vol. 10, no. 89, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P02, P07

Spin-orbital Jahn-Teller bipolarons

Celiberti, Lorenzo; Mosca, Dario Fiore; Allodi, Giuseppe; Pourovskii, Leonid V.; Tassetti, Anna; Forino, Paola Caterina; Cong, Rong; Garcia, Erick; Tran, Phuong M.; Renzi, Roberto De; Woodward, Patrick M.; Mitrović, Vesna F.; Sanna, Samuele; Franchini, Cesare

Spin-orbital Jahn-Teller bipolarons

Journal ArticleOpen Access

In: Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 2429, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: P07

23 entries « 1 of 3 »