TACO scientists take leading roles at the DPG Meeting 2022, which takes place in Regensburg in the week of September 5–9, 2022.
TACO deputy speaker Georg Kresse is organizer of the symposium “Frontiers of Electronic-Structure Theory: Focus on Artificial Intelligence Applied to Real Materials (SYES)”.
Gareth Parkinson, PI of subproject P04, and Matthias Meier, postdoc in subproject P07, organize a focus session “Single-Atom Catalysis”. This session hosts talks to which several TACO scientists contributed, including a presentation by Gareth about “Comparison of Single Metal Atoms on a Fe2O3 Model Support”.

Another focus session titled “Surfaces and Interfaces of (Incipient) Ferroelectrics” is co-organized by Michele Reticcioli, Co-PI in subproject P07, and Martin Setvin, international cooperation partner in the same subproject. They also contributed significantly to the talks given by their students and collaborators in this session, in which the structure of and chemistry on polar surfaces, presented in two recent high-impact papers, play a pivotal role.
Last but not least, TACO speaker Ulrike Diebold will give a plenary talk on “Insights from Atomic-Scale Studies on Surfaces“.
The DPG Meeting will give lots of visibility to TACO scientists and we hope for many new collaborations.