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SFB TACO is Project of the Week in scilog

This week, SFB TACO is featured as project of the week in scilog -- the online magazine of the Austrian Science Fund FWF.

New High-Impact Publication for P04

Our colleagues of project 04 (in collaboration with P02 and P07) published a new high-impact paper in Science Advances. Congratulations!

AIP Scilight for TACO paper

A paper of subproject P02 was chosen as a AIP Scilight. Congratulations to the authors.

Reaching Chemical Accuracy in ab initio Simulations of Complex Materials

The talk given by Andreas Grüneis (TU Wien, Institute of Materials Chemistry) at the Kickoff Meeting is now online on the TACO YouTube channel.

Introducing P02
Last video of mini-series on YouTube

The last of a series of short videos introducing our subprojects is now avaliable on YouTube. goes live!

The final version of the webpage of SFB TACO goes live.